September / Kugatsu, Nagatsuki
kanji meanings :
Ku = nine, the ninth (= kyuu).
- Gatsu = a month, the moon (= Tsuki).
Another name from old times in September.
About the meaning that this words express, the most famous theory is "The month of long night".
"Naga-tsuki" is a word that shortens "Yo-naga-tsuki".
("Yo" = "Yoru" = Night, evening. )
Another theory is "The month which harvests rice" = "Ine-kari-dzuki".
"Inekaridzuki" --> "NekaDzuki" --> "Nagatsuki" .
About the meaning that this words express, the most famous theory is "The month of long night".
"Naga-tsuki" is a word that shortens "Yo-naga-tsuki".
("Yo" = "Yoru" = Night, evening. )
Another theory is "The month which harvests rice" = "Ine-kari-dzuki".
"Inekaridzuki" --> "NekaDzuki" --> "Nagatsuki" .
Naga = long, lengthy (= Naga(-i)).
Tsuki = a month, the moon.