turning everything to one's own advantage.
selfish. self-seeking. self-centered. self-centred.
Water is irrigated only to one's own rice paddy.
kanji meanings :
selfish. self-seeking. self-centered. self-centred.
Water is irrigated only to one's own rice paddy.
kanji meanings :
Ga = the ego. the self.
willfulness. wilfulness. self-assertion. self-will. selfishness.
I. oneself. (= Ware).
Den = a rice paddy. a rice field. a paddy field. a paddy. (= Ta).
In = pull. draw. jerk. haul. tug. tow. (Hi(-pparu)).
pull back. draw back. withdraw.
lead. subtract. deduct. reduce.
be connected. lay on. (= Hi(-ku)).
Sui = water. a fluid. a liquid. (= Mizu).